County Ordinances
Click on the items below to download a PDF of each ordinance.
1 1 (Subdivision Regulations)
2 2 (Subdivision Regulations)
3 3 (Sanitation)
4 4 (Lake Mystic Recreational District)
73-4 Notice to Repeal Ordinance
74-1 5 (Fuel Allocation)
75-5 6 (Pool and Dance Hall Hours of Operation)
75-6 7 (Alcohol)
75-1 8 (Mobile Homes)
75-2 9 (Electrical Code)
74-2 10 (Building Code, Permitting and Fees)
75-3 11 (Regulating Contractors and the business of Contracting)
75-4 12 (Electrical Contractors)
75-4(A) 12A (Electrical Bond)
75-4(B) 12B (Electrical Bond)
77-1 13 (Local Planning Agency)
78-1 14 (Planning Agency)
78-2 15 (Sheriff’s Service Fees)
79-1 16 (Hosford-Telogia Water Distribution)
80-1 17 (Hazardous Materials)
81-1 18 (Amendment to Electrical Ordinances)
81-2 19 (Hosford-Telogia Water Distribution Amendment)
81-3 20 (Comprehensive Plan)
81-4 21 ($2 Assessment to Criminal Violations earmarked for Law Enforcement Training and Education
82-1 22 (Litter)
82-2 23 (Use of County Equipment and Labor)
83-1 24 (Environmental Health Ordinance)
85-1 25 (Fair Housing Ordinance)
86-1 26 (Water System Cross-Connection Control Standards)
86-2 27 (Repealing 77-1 and 78-1 Planning Agency)
86-3 28 (Planning Agency)
86-4 29 (Concealed Pistols)
87-01 30 (Amendment to Fair Housing Code)
87-02 31 (Amendment to Concealed Pistols)
87-03 32 (Use of County Equipment and Labor)
89-01 33 (Sale of Alcohol)
89-02 34 (Dumpsters)
90-01 35 (Garbage collection, transport and disposal for businesses)
90-02 36 (Garbage collection, transport and disposal for residences and businesses)
90-03 37 (Storer Cable Communications)
90-04 38 (Southeast Cable TV)
90-06 39 (Amending The Fair Housing Code)
91-01 40 (Hosford-Telogia Water Hook-up Fees)
91-02 41 (Landfill)
91-03 42 (Landfill Billing for Governmental Agencies)
91-04 43 (Garbage Late Fees)
91-06 44 (Mobile Home, Recreation Vehicle and Modular Home Regulation and Permitting)
91-06 45 (Mobile Home Parks)
91-07 46 (Flood Damage Prevention)
91-08 47 (Water Distribution System Rates, Rules and Regulations
91-09 48 Revised Comprehensive Plan
92-01 49 (Mobile Home, Recreational Vehicle and Modular Home inspections, permits and fees)
92-02 50 (Roofing Permits)
92-03 51 (Comprehensive Plan)
92-04 52 (Amend 87-03 Concerning Use of County Equipment and Labor for Removal of Homes or Debris)
92-05 53 (Water System Rates and Late Fees)
92-06 54 (Amendment to 92-03 Land Development Code)
92-07 55 (Amendment to Comprehensive Plan)
92-08 56 (One-Cent Sales Tax)
92-09 57 (Ninth-Cent Gas Tax)
92-10 58 (Dumpster Fees for Businesses)
93-01 59 (Local Housing Assistance Program)
93-02 60 (Six-Cent Gas Tax)
93-03 61 (Civil Filing Fee Service Charges)
93-04 62 (Moving Traffic Violation Surcharge
93-05 63 (Animal Control)
94-01 64 (Fair Housing Ordinance)
94-02 65 (Disposal of Solid Waste, Biomedical Waste, and Hazardous Waste)
94-03 66 (Gas Tax Revenue Bonds)
94-04 67 (Contractor Licensing Program)
3/9/1995 68 (Office of Veteran’s Affairs Proclamation)95-04 69 (Land Development Code)
95-05 70 (Circuit Civil filing fee)
95-01 71 (Waste Management)
95-02 72 (Animal Control)
95-03 73 (Bid Bonds)
96-01 74 (Capital Improvements to the Comprehensive Plan- Water System)
96-02 75 (West Florida Natural Gas)
97-01 76 (Water Revenue Bonds)
97-02 77 (Gas Tax Revenue Bonds)
97-03 78 (Electric Utility Privilege Fee)
97-04 79 (Repeal Electric Utility Privilege Fee)
98-01 80 (Waterworks Connections and Rates
99-01 81 (Asphalt Plant Conditional Use)
99-02 82 (Disaster Emergencies and Emergency Management)
99-03 83 (Liberty County Enterprise Zone Development Agency)
99-04 84 (Enterprise Zone Development Agency Members)
99-05 85 (Title Loans)
00-01 86 (Waste Management)
00-02(A,B,C) 87 (Comprehensive Plan)
01-01 88 (Land Development Code)
01-02 89 (Street Naming and Numbering)
01-03 90 (Private Driveway and Road Repair)
01-04 91 (Blue Creek Methodist Church Road)
01-05 92 (Water Rates)
01-06 93 (Residential and Commercial Garbage Fees)
01-07 94 (Fill Dirt and Motor Grader Services)
01-08 95 (Tobacco Products in Self-Service Displays)
01-09 96 (Blue Creek Methodist Church Rd to Bob Duggar Road)
02-01 97 (Location of Wind Speed Lines)
2002-02 98 (Land Development Code)
02-03 99 (Georgia Pacific Ad-Valorem Exemption)
02-04 100 (Landfill)
02-05 101 (Homestead Exemption)
02-06 102 (Family Law Assistance Program)
02-07 103 (Drivers Education Safety Trust Fund)
02-08 104 (Liberty Wilderness Ad Valorem Exemption)
03-01 105 (Fine for Improper Disposal of Animal Carcass)
03-02 106 (Amending Fine for Improper Disposal of Animal Carcass)
03-03 107 (Building Permit Fees)
03-05 108 (Wireless Communications Interim Application Process)
03-04 109 (911 Mapping and Addressing Fee)
03-05 110 (Land Development Code)
03-06 111 (Capital Improvements Comprehensive Plan)
03-07 112 (Standards for Mobile Homes, Recreational Vehicles and Modular Homes)
03-08 113 (Standards for Mobile Homes, Recreational Vehicles and Modular Homes)
03-09 114 (Georgia Pacific Ad Valorem Exemption)
04-01 115 (Southeast Cable TV)
04-02 116 (Recreation Vehicle Permit Fees)
04-03 117 (Non-Criminal Traffic Case Surcharge)
04-04 118 (Additional Court Cost in Criminal Cases)
05-01 119 (Disposal of Computers or Televisions at the Landfill)
05-02 120 (Bright House Networks)
05-03 121 (Capital Improvements Comprehensive Plan)
05-04 122 (Water System Rates)
05-05 123 (Garbage Service Commercial and Residential Rates)
05-06 124 (Disorderly Conduct Ordinance)
05-07 125 (Water System Rates, Deposit, and Reconnect Fees; Consolidation with Waste Management; Penalties for Non-payment
06-01 126 (Purchasing Policy and Local Bidders Preference)
06-02 127 (Purchasing Policy for the Renovation and Construction of the New Jail)
2006-03 128 (Capital Improvements Comprehensive Plan)
07-01 129 (Criminal Proceedings Additional $2)
07-02 130 (Proportionate Fair-Share Program)
07-03 131 (Traffic Infractions Additional $2)
07-04 132 (Homestead Exemption)
07-05 133 (Sexual Offenders and Sexual Predators)
07-06 134 (Interim Moratorium on New Subdivision Plat Applications)
07-07 135 (120 MPH Line Wind-Borne Debris)
08-01 136 (Purchasing Policy Local Bidder’s Preference)
09-01 137 (Emergency Management)
09-02 138 (Deferred Compensation Plan through Superior Bank)
09-03 139 (Deferred Compensation through Wakulla Bank
09-04 140 (Surcharge in Non-Criminal Traffic Cases)
09-05 141 (Land Development Regulations)
10-01 142 (Capital Improvements Comprehensive Plan)
11-01 143 (Firearms)
11-02 144 (Unpaid Garbage and Water Service Collections)
12-01 145 (Wind Speed Zones)
13-01 146 (Water Service Initial Deposit)
13-02 147 (Synthetic Drugs)
13-03 148 (Flood Damage Prevention)
13-04 149 (Comprehensive Plan)
13-05 150 (Water Rates)
13-06 151 (Amended Capital Improvements)
13-07 152 (Animal Control)
14-01 160 (Assessment Fee Juvenile)
14-02 153 (Cell Tower)
14-03 154 (Capital Improvements)
14-04 155 (Alcohol)
15-01 156 (Water Rates)
15-02 157 (Alcohol)
15-03 158 (Alcolhol)
15-04 159 (Capital Improvements)
16-01 161 (Sheriff Chief Officer)
16-02 162 (Capital Improvements)
16-03 163 (Conditional Use Siting)
16-04 164 (Amending 05-05)
16-05 165 (.5 Cent Sales Tax)
17-01 166 (Update Land Development Code)
17-02 167 (Water Rates)
17-04 169 (Solid Waste Rates)
18-01 170 (Transfer Station Rates)
18-02 171 (Comprehensive Plan Amendment)
19.01 172 (Property Standards and Nuisance Abatement)
19-02 173 (Comprehensive Plan Amendment)
20-01 174 (Dirt Rates)
20-02 175 (Prohibition of Alcohol at Parks)
20-03 176 (Half Cent Sales Tax)
21-01 177 (Abolish Lake Mystic Rec District)
21-02 178 (Temp Moratorium on Aps for Solid Waste)
21-03 179 (Nuisances)
21-04 180 (Code Enforcement)
21-05 181 (Fines and Fees)
22-01 182 (Comp Plan Amendment)
22-02 183 (Cross Connection Control)
22-03 184 (Extending Temp Moratorium on Aps for Solid Waste)
22-04 185 (Property Rights Element)
22-05 186 (Solid Waste Management)
22-06 187 (Dori Slosberg Driver Education Safety Act)
22-07 188 (Solid Waste Collection)
22-08 189 (Comp Plan Amendment)
22-09 190 (Comp Plan Amendment)
22-10 191 (Temp Moratorium on Aps for Solid Waste)
23-01-192 (Temp Moratorium on Aps for Solid Waste)
23-02-193 (County Park Prohibitions)
23-03 194 (Comp Plan Amendment)
23-04-195 (Six Cent Gas Tax)